Positive Change ; - Can You Do Anything To Better The Life Of The Poor Masses On The Street ??

Everyday,I look at some people suffering but they do not deserve this life.I have a list of them and I keep praying to God to send a good meaningful wealth that we can use and change their lives for better. Have you ever been to the streets? Have you seen under-aged and over-aged persons selling sachet water on the horribly-terrifying busy roads, just to make ends meet? I have seen them many times.I have seen a 2-
year old brilliant girl hawking on the street around 9:00pm. Does this explain anything to you? I have seen a family man hawking tooth brush on the road to feed a family of 7. I asked him and he told me this.Is it his fault that he is going through this? Have you ever seen a 70-year old woman who works in the stone querry? She would dig stones from the earth,break them into fragments and assemble them until it is due to fill up a tipper.This usually takes about 1 month or more, plus they have to stay under the fierce sun as it casts its rays on them, they have to stay under the rain, unless they are ready to work on a single tipper for 1 year before they get a meagre pay. Have you ever seen an old woman who cleans a student hostel?Has any one of them told you about the insults....(break!) You ever seen mothers who sell boiled groundnuts in trays on the street?Do you know thats the only means of livelihood? Do you blame them for voting in bad leaders? No,they have no option.They desperately need that stipend given to them during campaign,at least to have a good meal for once.If they were bouyant,they wouldn't be gullible enough to submit to doom. Thought I would have enough space to talk more about this but alot of people know this more than I do. #WeCanMakeADifference #EveryPositiveImpactCounts #SaveASoul#SaveALife #HelpTheNeedy & feel good that you did.

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