On the first premise, I consider the fact that I was raised in a large family.My parents were uneducated and as such, did not do family planning.They had ten(10) issues with  two dead, before my father died.The fact that none of my siblings was able to further his or her education as a result of lack of finance gives me sleepless nights.Every night, I wake up to think about this, how bleak and terrifying the future can be if I happen to fold my hands and do nothing.I also discovered that my community is filled with people who do not value education.I realized that they show more concern to menial jobs and trading.This is perhaps, because they lack the orientation to accept changes and developement.
      This is my prior motivation to returning back to Africa and prove to them that they are living in darkness.I want to salvage my people from the endearing myopic ways of their thinking.I want to inculcate in them, the spirit of Western lifestyle and ideologies, developement and sense of innovation.I want my people to value education.I want to put an end to discrimination between the rich and the poor, because I have seen and experienced a lot.

      Nevertheless, I believe that age or sex does not count in trying to bring changes and developement to Africa.Money as well, does not count.What counts most is wisdom and intellect.The white men had gone far beyond the reach of Africans.Yes, I accept that, but that does not necessarily mean that we should fold our hands and accept the fact that we are regarded as black monkeys.I have a chequered taste to help develope Africa for better.
     Moreover, I plan on devising strategies to achieving these on my return to Africa, if by God's grace, I am favoured by this scholarship;
     First, I will instantly set up a foundation(this has been my dream), a foundation for youth empowerment and enlightenment.I shall use this medium to make the youths get to understand why they are of paramount importance in terms of change and developement.Like I earlier stated in previous essays, I shall introduce a scholarship scheme to encourage talented well-deserving students, as a sort of encouragement.This shall take effect from high school.One good turn they say, deserves another.I believe education is the bedrock of success, prosperity and developement.This is why I always count it as my major focus.
       I see no need why one would have to stay in a foreign country, living a lavish life when he has many assignments waiting for him in his country.I indulge all Africans to borrow this leaf and work hard towards the betterment of Africa.

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