I continue to live my life looking up to a renowned doctor, a surgeon per say.He has been a whole lot of inspiration to me.He lives a unique life, a life worthy of emulation.He is very wealthy, being a medical doctor and someone who had craved academic recognitions in diverse aspects of life, but these achievements never triggered any sense of  pride in him.He was raised from a  very poor family, almost similar to mine.He passed through hardships that he even had to beg to complete his high school.Luckily for him, when he finished high school, he was entitled to a scholarship after staying at home for some time.This was how he was able to complete his education.He never stopped dreaming and believing in himself.
      Furthermore, I learnt from his autobiography that his late father had relatives who were wealthy enough and in the capacity to help him but they did not make any effort to do that.

     Today, Dr.Chianakwana is a professor of surgery, and a one time dean at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University.He is currently the Head of Depatment(HOD),of surgery in the university.All the life torture he encountered never made him to hate the world and despise his community.
     I learnt he is accessible by anyone irrespective of social status.He renders humanitarian service to his community.One unique quality in him that interests me most is his manner of approach and the fact that he humbles himself when he wants to attend to the poor, to level up with their status.Only a few doctors can do that here in Nigeria.Many others pride themselves around with regards to their academic status. I have always prayed that someday, I shall be in a position to do even better than Prof.Chianakwana.I have always prayed that I would secure a scholarship to further my education so that  my dreams can be achieved.
     Lest I forget, one very significant role Prof.Chianakwana played that inspired me most was when he finished performing surgery on an old woman, a surgery worth over N500,000 here in Nigeria, he realized that the woman is not well to do and asked her to go without paying any money.I was amazed when I got this story.I said to myself,"this is what I will be doing when I graduate".
      I just wish everyone would borrow a leaf from him and help make our crumbling nation a better place.
     It is one thing to make it in life, one other thing is how to properly utilize your wealth to better the lives of people around you.I always give credits to this man who has inspired me beyond understanding of mere mortals.

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