Drug Abuse: Meaning , Types,Effects and Remedies__ By Henry Aniagor

  Some years ago,I read in the National dailies about the story of a 40-year old man who raped his 7-year old daughter:When this was discovered,the little girl was immediately rushed to the hospital for medical attention.The father was arrested.On a serious interrogation and investigation,it was discovered that he was a drug addict.I read another article about a 15-year old boy who was discovered dead in an uncompleted storey building.Investigations proved that he had slumped after taking high dosage of heroine.In a recent happening,two able-bodied men were pictured,gallantly walking stack naked on the streets of Abuja,after being intoxicated by drug.Over the years,alarming cases of drug abuse,ranging from teenage to adolescence and to adults,had been recorded.This menace has posed a serious concern to all responsible individual.It is an open secret regretably,that mainly Nigerian youths indulge in the dangerous use of drugs.
       Before I dive deep into discussing drug abuse,I would like to bring us back to the meaning of drug and drug abuse.There is a perfect distinction between the two words."Drug" can be any substance or medicine which has a physiological effect when ingested or introduced into the body.Drug abuse is the compulsive,excessive and self-damaging use of habit forming drugs or substances,leading to addiction or dependence,physiological injury eg;- damaging of kidney or even death.

       Furthermore,there are different kinds of drugs commonly abused.These includes but not limited to the following;- hallucinogens,heroin,inhalants,depressants,marijuana,alcohol,club drugs,methamphetamine,opioids,steroids,synthetic cathinones,tobacco/nicotine etc, to mention but a few.It is worthy of note that these drugs,when abused,pose dangerous effects or reactions on the user.Its effects are numerous that it cannot be contained in a standard textbook if we decide to take them one after the other,but for the sake of emphasis,we shall highlight a few number of them.
        With respects to the afore-monetioned drugs commonly abused,the following are some of the dangerous effects of drug abuse;
    On the body,a person who abuses drug may not realize they have a problem until pronouncced effects of drug are seen,often physically.Common effects of drug on the body includes;- sleep changes,amnesia,abnormal vital signs like respiration,heart rate and blood pressure,nausea,vomitting,diarrhea,impotence,frequent illness,hepatitis B or C etc.
       Furthermore,drug can exert some psychological effects on the abuser.A person may be anxious,thinking about when they can next use the drug,or depressed due to drug effects.Other psychological effects include;- hopelessness,selfishness,lack of pleasure from previously enjoyed activities etc.Some other consequencies of drug abuse includes;-rape,death,child abuse,disobedience,to mention but a few.
      It will interest you to note that there are certain factors that can trigger indulgence in drug abuse.These factors includes but not limited to peer group influence,deprivation,boredom,money mania,cult pressure,lack of self confidence,depression etc. Many students involve in drug abuse as a result of constant pressure for cultists who usually force them into activities that may possibly not interest them.They believe that a large intake of drugs can help them do these things easily without considering the effects.Some take drugs when they feel depressed or traumatized.
     Nevertheless,proactive measures can be taken to curb incidences of drug abuse.Government can set up an enlightenment campaign for the youths,on the dangers and effects of drug abuse.Strict policies should be made on importation and sale of drugs usually abused,especially in our pharmacies.This will go a long way to create the impression that drug is an illegal commodity.Parents are advised to look properly into the kinds of friends their children keep and the type of activities they indulge in during their private times.Parents are also advised to censor the type of home movies their children watch as this exposes them to experimentation of water.They have watchedd in movies.
    Conclusively,all hands must be on deck,towards the control of the widespread of dangerous use of drugs,especially within our youths.It is important that we declare war against drug abuse,as the earlier we start,the better for us.lest the future generation of Nigeria will blame us.


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