*MODESTY* *IN* *DRESSING* :»Fashion related.
As humans, man or woman, we should always learn to dress modestly. Now, let's talk about the women or youth out there.
What image are you presenting to the world through your dressing?
Are you making them glorify God or you or just making them see you as the normal girls they see around?
Are you into what's reigning or into what glorifies God in you?
As young girls, we should try to dress modestly, because;
It demonstrates self control, respect and also tells who you truly are.
- that you are old-fashioned ie old skool.
- you're are ashamed of your body that's why you don't know what to wear
- you are poor that's why you can't achieve beautiful wears
- you don't know fashion ie what's reigning
- you are not aware of the weather
- you are anti-social
That takes me to
You can never see a princess dress anyhow, they dress modestly and beautifully, they show royalty, always learn to carry yourself as a princess and people will handle you like a princess. so;
- wear what makes you eloquent.

- match your colours rightly
- wash your vagina properly, with just water, and also, don't make use of soap, because recent research shows that's many of the bathing soap we use are medicated, which is harmful to the vagina and could go a long way and mar our future by making some barren in the nearest future
- when you wear slippers, never drag your feet, learn to wear heels and walk nicely. Recent view shows that when a girl is on heels, she's always confident of herself, and also the first thing a guy or people notice about a lady is usually her shoes, good shoes take you to good places.
- wear deodorants
- avoid mouth odour, it's really really bad for a girl, if you notice you got mouth odour, you could visit the dentist or learn to take things like TomTom, to neutralize the effect, and also learn to change your toothbrush at least twice a year, and also ensure to brush at least twice daily.
- your clothes should as much as possible be ironed, if you don't have iron, fold your clothes neatly and place it under your pillow overnight. And you'd be amazed when you wake, also endeavor to wear neat clothes regularly
- keep your hair neat, and always ensure you ventilate it regularly.
- avoid changing creams regularly and avoid using bleaching cream and also creams that contain mercury or hydroquinone, it could lead to skin cancer in the nearest future.
- change your sets of pants at least once a year. Because some things get deposited on your pant which could be bad to your health in future.
- ensure to wash your face at night, because the oil secreted as a result of the makeup you used during the day is bad, and use use a neat face towel regularly. And those that use warm water to bath, always ensure to use cold water to rinse your face properly afterwards because the warm water makes the sweat pores on the face to open which makes the person sweat excessively.
- change pads at least thrice a day. To avoid offensive odour, and whenever you notice your blood is black and not red, do visit a doctor. And for those that use clothes as their own pad, never use coloured clothes, because some of them wash and the colours find easy access into the vagina. Endeavour to use white clothes and learn to dispose properly.
- learn to have all your personal things in handy.
- you shouldn't pick your nose or teeth in public, and always ensure to carry tissue or handkerchief when going out
- finally, do ensure you visit the doctor for your medical checkups regularly, your health is special to me.
*Note:* the way you dress, is the way you're addressed!
Learn to dress  elegantly and the right people would come after you.


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