[Crestfallen violet:Episode 2]

[Crestfallen violet:Episode 2]

    On getting to Azubuike's house,which is not quite far from the hospital,he called on Azubuike's wife,Ebele three times before she could answer.
    Azubuike's wife Ebele,is so mischievous that she can even kill a whole family like fowls without bathing an eyelid.It is believed that such animalistic behaviour of hers was inherited from her mother who was a very wicked woman during her days.
   Oma,Ebele's mother was a die-hard traditionalist.She was the only woman who can stand a juju priest of another clan and as a result,every other woman in Omenka village,which used to be her husband's home,feared and respected her so much.Some even worshipped her like a god.Men who let themselves become cowards,also bowed down in respect to her.This gave Oma the opportunity to collect people's belongings with high handedness,not minding the outcome.Later on,the chief priest of their village tried to stop her from her evil act,but she used the strength of a woman and bewildered him,although the man failed in his pursuit to force himself on her.This led to the blasphemy of the entire village on the chief priest,and his Ikenga left him,rendering him powerless and harmless.Oma now blissfully made way and killed the chief priest,and forced herself onto the throne of Chief-priestess.The people of Omenka village made them adnauseam.

  "I really dont understand what is going on here.Biko,can someone help wriggle out of the streak of misunderstanding?",Osita insisted.
       "Oh,you said that our wife had stepped down? I am coming right away to witness the climax of this message ",Azubuike replied on just recovering from the shock that he never believed the woman will finally deliver.
   Ebele began to chant on the pretext of being corroborate .
    "Ihe o muru bu nwa,ihe o muru bu nwa
    Osita changie naira na ada anyi nwaanyi amuola gi nwa..."
    As she sang,she was joined by the rest.Her husband Azubuike added that she should join Ositadimma to the hospital while he himself would follow suite after he had prepared.
   Osita was at six and seven.It is quite unbelieveable about the sudden reaction of his brother and his wife.Well,of all contradictions,ceasar's wife must be above suspicion.The truth lies on the fact that he thought that they were happy about his wife's delivery,not knowing that if you give the devil an inch,it would take a mile.

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