Without much ado,a definition of immunization is enough to bring home its importance in my locality or any other place for that matter.Immunization is a scientific means of making people,particularly children resist deadly or killer diseases.Scientists have succeeded in getting vaccines or chemical substances which can be injected into a person's body to act as a protection against diseases.
      About fiftee years ago a lot of infacts who were not vaccinated or immunized died as a result of the attacks of whooping cough,measles,diphtheria,chicken pox and small pox in Agbado my locality.A good number of children who survived these diseases were those whose parents took the nice decision and pains to innoculate.Most parents who did all they could to thwart the altuistic efforts of the health officials,who pleaded with them to bring their children for innoculation lived to regret their actions.While children who were innoculated lived,their own children died in their dozen.

     Immunization saves all parents from loosing their children prematurely to deadly but preventable diseases.So, immunization has begun an era where parents can have children and boast that barring accidents and other ways of losing lives,their young ones wil grow up into useful adults.
      Children who are timely and properly immunized can enjoy good health in their infant years.This makes child bearing and rearing less cumbersome if not totally without tears.The convenience which innoculation enables parents to enjoy is almost incaculable.Vaccinated children grow up into healthy adults.Their growth is not impaired or stunted by measles or any of those diseases that can stunt the physical and mental growth of children.
    Another significance of immunization is that it gives the society the assurance that its youngest ones will soon grow up to replenish the labour force which old age and retirement of the adult persons deplete.A society whose young population is seriously threatened by widespread and unchecked killer-diseases is doomed for so many reasons.
    My locality of Agbado which is trying to recover from the losses of virile men and women during the civil war now knows the advantages of innoculations against all killer diseases too well.
     Conclusively,immunization programme,which our state ministry of health has been emphasizing has tremendously saved us from huge sums of money being spent on herbalists,sacrifices and fruitless hunting for so-called witches that are allegedly behind all infant deaths.

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