SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS:

     What is shortcut? Shortcut may be defined as a quicker or shorter way of getting to a place or a way of doing something that is quicker than the usual way.
    What is success? It may be defined as the fact that you have achieved something that you want and have been trying to do or get,the fact of becoming rich or famous or of getting a higher social position.
    Therefor,shortcut to success may be defined as a quicker or shorter way of achieving something that you have been trying to do or get.This is what about 85% of the people on earth strives for.Some people are die-hard workers,trying to achieve success but all to no avail.Some people do ask,"Does success really exist in the world?,how canw e find success?how do we become successors?"
   My dear,the ball is in your court to play.The way you feel about yourr life is what dictates what life will give you.So many people are successors.They have been successful in all their endeavours ,though talents are not the same.Everyone has his or her own talent,one head each and a brain to think and calculate but you might lose yours if not used wisely.Everybody wants to be a successor but the question still remains,how can we find success or is their any SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS??

    Yes,there is a shortcut to success .I was standing in a line to order my late afternoon latte at a well-known coffee establishment and in the buzz in the room wasn't from the caffeine,it was from the customer chat.They were expressing their feelings of being down and out ;hopeless of ever getting back what they have lost or ever achieving what they were hoping to achieve;waiting for times to change before they would dare to decide what they should do next and their belief that were no opportunities in existence anymore.
    Just as a great cup of Joe or green tea jump starts your energy,these proven strategies will not only start your success engine ,it will provide the short access road to lasting success but,before you can turn right on the SHORTCUT ROAD TO SUCCESS just ahead,you must get off the long Route that leads you to unchattered territories of uncertainty,delayed outcomes and unsustainability.Let's take a look at the warming signs that lets you know you are on the long road:
1.Waiting to take action steps until times get "better".
2.Not seeking advancement beyond your last position in today's current market.Conditions believing that it just isn't realistic.
3.Taking everything that comes your way because that's the best that anyone can hope for right now.
4.Putting all your eggs in one basket.Such as,only pursuing the thing that you have always done in the past believing that you can't do anything else and succeed.
   All the above represent some of the most common strategic pitfalls that can undermine your success during turbulent times.These attitudes and behaviours are within your power to change.Changing them will take you out of situations that will delay your successful outcomes and that create conditions that will not fulfil your need for security and well-being, and without security and well being,any initial success that you may create from this place of fear,will become unsustainable.
   Here are the strategies that do work in every market condition and are imperative to staying on the short road to success especially in today's market;
1.Using discernment:Be conscious of where and how you are spending your energy and in choices,actions and decisions you make.Here is the truth:The key to obtaining sustainable success is in understanding and practising Zander's principle of Positive Energy Ration Exachange,meaning that for every energy output,there must be a greater return of energy;unless you are doing philanthropy,the return of energy must be monetized according to a value evaluation that makes sense for yur greater expansion and growth.If not,then you are creating a flat unsustainable wealth and well-being economy for yourself.
2.Having a healthy sense of detachment:Be courageous in your willingness to release or redefine people,places and things that do not represent,present or provide advantage to moving you into a successful new environment of growth and expansion.
3.Keeping up momentum:Persistence is always the winner.Do not allow yourself to rationalize a non-action state of being because,"times are slow".Keep putting one foot infront of the other.There is always a next best action step to take in every circumstance and situation that will give birth to a new opportunity.
4.Create diversity:Do take the time to take personal inventory on all the wonderful abilities,gifts and talents that you have.Then,create a multi-tiered(A success ladder) strategy to show case your talents in many different industries,forms or outlest for the unleashing of that enterpreneur residing inside you.
5.Do what feels good to do:Do the things that brings you a sense of enthusiasm,excitement,joy and insire you to go on a greater and greater horizons.If you chose otherwise,be realistic that what you are creating won't provide you with the sustainable wealth and well-being that you ultimately desire to achieve.
    "The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.The sure thing,boat never gets far from shore".
    Here are some few identifications of few habits that are shared by most successful people;
1.Willingness to go the extra mile to attain their dreams
2.Ability to consistently apply effective success strategies.
3.Open to continually learning and applying new concepts.
4.Flexible enough to roll with the punches when things don't go as planned.
   That is a short list,but if you have achieved any measure of success in your life or if you know of people who have ,you will recognise those types of traits as common among successful people.
  I know some people do say that there is no such thing as shortcut to success.Am I right?
Success takes hardwork,sweat and perseverance.While nothing could be more true,there are ways to work smarter,not harder,and that is what ShortCut To Success implies-simple,practical tips you can use to get on the right track in the four areas as well as need a little more help managing.Author Jonathan Robinson offers clever techniques for achieving such "impossible" goasl as creating four extra hours a day,losing weight permanently,handling difficult people,and the one thing we all want to do to retire early.
   An overview of most successful men and women that ever lived portrayed that they all in one way or the other,failed in their quest to attain maximum heights on the social ladder.I know that one must be contemplating how a failed person would turn to become the most successful.
  Precisely,failure is the fastest route to success as anyone who fails,must have a shortcut to success.Emphatically,unless a child falls down from a bicycle,the child will never learn how to perfectly ride a bicycle,for the child would pick up the techniques in avoidance of another fall off from the bicycle.This is the same for one trying to have a shortcut to success.When one fails in one's quest for success,one will learn one's lessons and would thus be aware of things that would cause failure on their journey to success,and hence,avoid them.This will go further to acting as a catalyst in the course of achieving a buffered success.
                       ANIAGOR HENRY

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