For years bye-gone,women whose husbands refused from involving in works suffered when at last,they lose their husbands.Men used to have the common belief that women are meant to be sit-at-home house wives.They believe that women lack the ability to perform similar functions,while on the contrary,women kept stressing the for their professional training.
They had also in the past,forbidden women from taking active participation in politics.These alleged intimidations led to the outburst of women,who strived in their wake and fought gender inequality.As of present,their exists a co-existent,stable and peaceful,yet progressive democracy.
    Women all over the world,had in recent times,contributed immensely in life changing and developments.We shall see to these in subsequent paragraphs.
    Let's take a look at science and technology,great women like Ada Bryon,the first woman programmer of computer.Who would ever believe that a history like this would be made by a woman.Sarah E.Goode-inventor of cabinet Bed,Virgie M.Ammons-inventor of fireplace damper etc,had all contributed immensely to the growth and development of science artifacts.
   Furthermore,the belief that womens' education ends in kitchen is a household name men holds for women.Women record breakers in
education sector had dealth with this common belief and kept it in the past.Presently,you can't discuss education without mentioning the likes of Alia Sabur of NorthPort,who broke the record as the world youngest professor at the age of 19.It is easy to believe also that looking into the population of people involved in teaching profession,women carries the lead with about 75%.Research also portrayed that effective lectures are more delivered by women than men whose mind are psychologically divided as a result of their more concentrated family responsibilities.In Anambra state,women takes more active participation in education.Former commissioner for education during Peter Obi's regime was a female,Lady Kay Onyechi.Former minister for education in Nigeria was Dr.Oby Ezekwesili.Prof.Grace Adele William recorded the first female vice Chancellor in Nigeria etc.
     Furthermore,I had earlier mentioned that women used to be denied of political  participation but this barrier had been broken by some daring women.Many countries today are ruled by women.Their participation in decision making has led to a stable progressive democracy.In 1975,Elizabeth Domiten of Central African Republic made history as the world first woman Prime Minister in an independent state,Margret Thatcher was British Prime minister for three consecutive terms.As if it wasn't enough,another woman,Queen Elizabeth assumed office as Prime minister of the same country.Benazir Bhutto is first female Prime minister of Pakistan,Cristina Kirchner is the first female president of Argentina,Khaleda Zia is the first female Prime minister of Bangladesh,In 1960,Sirmaro Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka,became the first woman Prime minister in the world.Other women world record breakers includes;President Cori Aquino of Phillipines,Queen Elizabeth of UK,Queen Beatrice of Netherlands,even our immediate Gov. Dame Virginia,Etiaba of Anambra state,had all proven to the world that what a man can do,a woman can do even better.All these aforementioned record breakers ,had all helped in one way or the other in rebranding the world at large and if more rooms are given to others,there will be an equilibrium in our political and governmental landscape.
    Moreover,the fact that most women are the bread winners of their individual families nowadays is not what should be over-emphasized.It is a well established fact that women have used their God-given managerial potentials to engage in small scale business that have contributed immensely to the economic well-being of their family,Whenever their is a slide on the side of the husband,the woman assumes seat as the bread winner of the family.
    Furthermore,in terms of health,after a worn out day from work,fathers have limited time to look into the health of their kids.This is why is it said that women knows better when the child is sick.Women have helped in their various ways in safeguarding the health of the nation of which one is Late Professor Dora Nkemdilim Akunyili,who was once a Director-general,National Agency for Food and Drug,Administration and Control(NAFDAC).She was the best ever serving in that position.Another of her kind was late Dr.Elizabeth Awoniyin Abimbola,the first female doctor in Nigeria,etc.
    On the other hand,coming to sports,we used to believe that this is basically meant for men,but these ladies had proven it wrong.The aggregate of men in sports from women in sports is not far-fetched.Chioma Ajunwa was the Nigerian first lady in Africa to win an Olympic Gold medal,coach Joy Nnenna Etiul was the first female coach in Nigeria.What a wonderful record.
    Coming to the banking sector,isn't it a great tackle for a woman to head the world bank as a Director-general?,in the person of Dr.Ngozi Okonjo Iweala.Lady Cecilia Ibru was Nigerian's first lady of banking and CEO of Oceanic bank.
      Nevertheless,in terms of crime eradication,Mrs.Farida Waziri was former managing director of Economic and Financial Crime Commission(EFCC) and she was good at it.In that,women had helped reduced drammatically,the high rate of criminal indulgence.
    Again,coming to the judiciary sector,Justice Alima Maryam Mukta,was Chief justice of the supreme court,Lady Patricia Etteh,was former speaker,House of representatives.
     If all these had proven to us that women have a say in bettering the lives of the nation,why can't we give them better chance?Why can't we fight gender inequality,sex discrimination and allow justice and fairplay?
      Being a feminist is not bad,it is all about Gender-equality!
Let the radical women SPEAK!


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