According to sir Abrahim lincoln; ''the legitimate objective of the government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but couldn't do it at all, or could not do it so well  for themselves either in group, or individual capacities'',this itself has elucidated the functions of Government.  
In  our country, Nigeria, ''the giant of Africa'' which we all agree that it's the most populous country in the continent, having about three hundred ethnic group and linguistic groups, things are not replete as they used to be. What do you name it? Poor government!
We, as the citizens of the country must strike while the iron is still hot(act without delay), because no matter how the cloud looks like, it must have a silver lining.

 Poor government in our country has absolutely marginalize and demolish the standards of orderliness in our country, but, we must not 'act like a goat'. It is the function of the government to establish a standing forces which would be ready to defend the country against external invasion either through air, sea, or land but what are we seeing today under the nefarious administration of president Buhari? Conflict, chaos, confusion, disorderliness and nonchalant attitudes from elite who deemed themselves officials.

Poor government has caused much detriment to our country, it has  brought; inadequate essential services/amenities to the people, no befitting road, no spasmodic electricity, no isochronous pipe-borne water, hospital, schools etc.
Citizens under 'APC', President Buhari's administration are dying of hunger as days goes into weeks, because items are very expensive to procure and that alone can vividly elucidate the poor governance.
C.F strong(1972) sees government as a state machinery, but i tell you that without good government, there's nothing like machinery!

Poor government has brought; lack of job opportunities to the citizens. It's the noble function of a government to erect or create job opportunities to able-bodied men and women to alleviate hunger, but what exactly are we seeing today?
Youths vehiculating and tailgating the streets, even students that were university graduates find it difficult to secure a nice job after school because of poor government.
The petroleum industry has turned into chaos. The Niger delta avengers on the other part getting themselves ready for duel. What a poor government!
Nigerian's when shall we be free from this heineous, obnoxious and nefarious predicament?

The government, found it  boisteriously erecting a befitting refinery in Nigeria instead of taking it overseas. That alone, has showcase that Nigeria is languish by   poor governance.
Our president administration promised us 'CHANGE', but what are we seeing today? 'CHAIN'! We all are trussed in ignorance with an invincible havoc.
The ignorant leaders and officials are absolutely degrading her beautiful image to the mud. Even some citizens cannot afford three square meals a day, because of poor governance in Nigeria.
What a shame! What a pity!

It's the duty and obligation of the government to create defence in the country but i' m sorry to say this; it's undeemable! Our citizens are dying especially the igbos' residing in the Northern part of Nigeria, innocent people been slaughtered without remorse. There's no longer a ''defence or security'', in the country. Everything has evaporated into the thin air, and what are we going to call it?
Poor governance!

The most shoddier part of it is that, there is no adequate medical facilities in the country. Hospitals in Nigeria are blunt, unrenovated, sluggish and inexperienced. Citizens often finds it improper to get themselves  admittes into hospitals in the country, instead, they would fly to foreign countries for medical prescription. Why won't the government upgrade our hospitals to invite foreigners into our country for drugs and medical directives?

 The government should take strict adherance and become active to it's responsiblities and stop being recalitrant and unruffled, because the cries of the poor are mightier than anyother thing. It is like a sword in need of penetrating the subcutaneous part of the body. If care is not taken, it would become a detriment to any disposal.

My dear citizens, if i must proceed outlining the effects of poor government in Nigeria, It would be numerous to deem up, but my admonition to all and sundry points directly like a sharp edge penetrating through the vaccum of object. We should vote wisely, we must learn not to sell our conscience because of spondlics(Money). We must be prayerful to God for appointing a leader whom will always listen to our needs, our feelings and our dislikes. We must not be hopeless, we must be prayerful to every predicament which we find ourselves, because an adage says''Man proposes, but God disposes''!      

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