Many years ago, before the creation story, this planet, precisely, earth, was inexperienced, haphazard, unset and haggard. During the saga, God drew a creation work and created many things of different species. Animal, land, vegetations, rock, human being and other mineral resources.

Everything was created tremendously by God in raw mannerism, though some were naturally made even up til the recent era. Moreover, some were half creature, partially made full by the creative doctor. Thereafter, as they were all created, the creator meticulously kept each and every creature where they shall permanently dwell till the mentality of the new testament of humanity took a mechanization and rejuvenation.

The earth planet precisely, the world, got reshuffled, rejuvenated, metamorphosed and everything experienced a new life afterwards of their creative form. Things not prospectively of the creatures began to wane. To and fro took aggrandizement owing totally to the penetration of technology as the bedrock by human being, the among of all creatures.

Land began to explode to usable basis. Cultivation, manufacturing of animal feeds enlarged,all to the application of manure invented by human. Nutrition fell out,which land has never experienced, by the application of artificial mineral(manure) from human production. Houses of very different techniques filled the spaciousness of the land. Rail ways, bridges, motorable rails and other constructions filled the the land as had never for once done.

The wisdom of humanity encircled the planet. At a point,it remoulded the creativity of the creator. Viewing from the conceptualization of the remoulded creativities of God, we take a view to vegetation, plants, animals, rock and other creatures. Vegetation as a case study were today turned into a great figure and source. Account gave emphasis that trees and grasses were made with no usage only usable at feeding of animal, but today, chairs,tables, wooden houses, wooden creative are productivities of human intelligence. Saga dropped stress that plants were created synonymously with the duties of trees in their specific service but human intelligence delved them in numeric metamorphosis. Some things on earth were the product of the raw plants. juice, yoghurts, hollandia, strawberries,etc are all outcome of plants in metamorphosis.

Nevertheless, we also take pondering gaze at animals as one of the groups civilized by humanity. We record conbeaf, getcher, sardine, sealed beaf, and other numerous production worth edible. Leathers, belt, shoes etc takes another transformation at adornment conceptualization.

More so, power of intellect has at all reach reshaped, trended and refashioned the world to a new world. It is quite tangible and great to have recorded all this aspects of intellectual service and rehabilitations. Banking on the same facts, we saw many exemplified personnel and their improvement likewise the development granted of them by this power of intellect. Unlike in the ancient era, we never experienced electronics, machines and automatic materials. Those are of new world. the built world is all by the intellect and as well, the wisdom of humanity. Autobots, automobile, aircrafts and et cetera are the result of this power.

Power of intellect has academically touched many edges, we recorded a citizen from an African nation became a president of European nation. countless personnel has taken addict from this power and resulted into governorships, world secretary, senators and above all. This great men were born with no silver spoon. they hustled for this power and with their endeavours, they succeeded. Taking reference on the same compendium, we recorded men of honour and high integrity as we singled "Prof. Chinua Achebe, Prof. Wole Soyinka, Chimamanda .N. Adichie, Okeke Chika Jerry and other great men & women who also took shelter under this power and made greatness. All this as defined, mentioned and pronounced went so a long way in admonishing and rhapsodizing the power of intellect and its intricacies. New World, where we are, the Zion city of the intellectual propellent.

This has so far constituted honour, respect and fame to humanity.
"ALL TO THE POWER OF INTELLECT"___"**we pick up the pen and write as we are propelled to, whenever the need arises**"

Just as i was motivated and made to draw an undiluted tenacity to my faith that, "I CAN DO IT"!

l am rhapsodizing and as well motivating "YOU". In your life, don't give much or if possible, do not render rapt attention to the inscription stated, " IMPOSSIBILITY" , no matter its awe appearance. Always believe in your capability, let the world know how scarce, expensive, costly you are if you are unjustly dragged out of their life. especially in their company over an injustice exercised on you.

Keep a hot feet to those that do underestimate your capabilities, let them see the new world in you. l tell you, they will be compelled to make you their role model even at your oblivion.

Stoop to conquer!, just like God told moses, "go to Egypt, tell pharaoh to let go off the Israelites to  the promise land i kept for them for many years of calculation.

With a resolute mind, drop a declaration, " i can do it", the world is waiting for your handiwork. Eliminate that spirit that is handicapping your move to take resolution, put it in an abyss of hell fire, jump out from that pit of timidity, renounce it just like i did and free myself from a moral debasement, depravity and degradation fulminating around my prominence.

At this great juncture, infer and imply your determination to the statement, "I CAN DO IT"., no matter the staggering strength of your body and endeavours to perpetrate it, don't forget, place God in the very front of your resolution.

Always be yourself,
express yourself,
have faith in yourself,
do not go out and look
for a successful
personality and duplicate it.

*Achieve it.!.....**


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