Before the emergency of colonial linguistic, there is a specific tongue a tribe is known with. That was the mother tongue, as to give it an entitlement. Some of this tongue are; Igbo, Hausa,Yoruba..e.t.c. As saga has it, it is a distinguishing language among the tribes in this planet. That is to say that if you are a born Igbo, you have a great honour and prestige amidst of other tribes, so as to other tribes. Anciently, mode of communication was very enjoying, comprehending and vice versa. Our children really predefines tremendously with this languages and it as well adds outstandingly, an honour and respect to tribe's statue. it shapes and upgrades people's way of life. This reveals that at that era, there was a tenacious unity and empowerment as evidently seen in the relationship of the early parents.

Modernly, intrusion of foreign language as precisely taken,"ENGLISH" has reshaped the culture and tongues of our indigenes. viewing from the mode of dressing, it has gigantically taken a stylish which has clothed our earliest formation. Most of our indigenes have hugely imbibed this alien dressing and egregiously thrown their indigenous life into an abyss hole with an intent to cozy the new life. On the account of this, IGBO precisely is sluggishly omitting . This has so much affected negatively in Igbo culture, not even our children respects their culture nor even harness expressions in their tribal language. Banking on this facts, our leaders who it is in their field to draw prestige, honour and improvement to the indigenous language, are seen cultivating on foreign provisions and erupting nonchalance, degradation and abandonment on our mother tongue. I could remember my argument with a legal petitioner whom i deemed fit of knowing his mother tongue well, but i was quite oblivious that he knew nothing but an encyclopedia of ignorance. I dropped trial to him when i suddenly delve communication we were having in Igbo tongue. Lo and behold he knew nothing to utter in Igbo and that was before i could unravel the oblivion that he is rightfully one of them; the degraders of Igbo language. Moreover, on the same account when i met a friend of mine in a social network "WhatsApp". It was quite shameful and pity when i greeted him in his mother tongue, he repeatedly asking me what i meant, not knowing that i have left the chat. This is a big shame and disgrace to us. An adage says" Onye atuoro ilu kowara ya, ya mara na_ego eji luta nne ya nara n'iyi"..interpretation says,"he whom an adage was expressed to him was explained, he should know that his mother's bride price was a futile". It has partially come to an accomplishment as we modernly recorded low percentage of real indigenous language speakers in our tribes. This is a gigantic trash on the statue of our culture. As we are too gullible and ignorance, we never know that our disposition particularly at the expression of foreign linguistic is just a value on enrichment, promulgation, cumulation and upgrading of another tribe's culture(language) and depleting ours to terminal degradation.

Ones tongue should be a leading diction before any other tongue. The heads should import remedies to tackle to an end of this mess. No educational citadel should harness excessively on "lingua franca"[English] than the tongues of their tribes. We should not let our culture and our indigenous language to rot and decayed away like a dead animal while foreign ones are upgrading like a greatest mountain on earth.

Let there be unity of person which is the first step on upgrading honorary on our mother tongue.

"KA ANYI SUBAKWANU ASUSU NJIRI MARA ANYI".. Its very important we profoundly cultivate in our INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE AND CULTURE!!!!...


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